Ch.Eneleon Tigers Eye (Imp UK)

MBIS. BISS Ch.Eneleon Tigers Eye (Imp UK)
DOB: 13.09.04 Hips 0-0 Elbows 0-0 Optigen A Eye Certification Current ACES Eye Certificate
Not Just a Winner a Great Producer
Thomas was an outstanding dog who received wide acclaim for his type temperament and movement, his immediate pedigree includes;
bloodlines from Sandylands, Lembas, Rocheby, Balrion, Cambremer, Trendlewood and Cricklecreek.
In the Show Ring his awards include 5 Best in Show (All Breeds) and Best in Show at the Labrador Retriever Club of NSW Championship Show in May 2011.
He had a significant impact as a stud dog and was a leading producer in the breed. He sired 23 Australian Champions and 2 New Zealand Champions .
He was unbeaten in Sire & Progeny Competition at Labrador Speciality Shows under Australian and International Judges
The mean average hip score for his progeny (based on 26 puppies) is 3
Thomas placed well and recieved excellent critiques from English Labrador Specialist Judges:David Craig (Davricard),
Margaret Brown (Ramsayville), Linda Heron (Brigburn), Sian Ellis (Dolwen) , Kendal Herr (Dickendal) and Mary O'Donaghoe (Phillipstown).
After awarding him BIS at the Labrador Retriever Club of NSW Championship Show in 2011 Mrs Lucy Kent (Trewinnard Labrador UK) said ;
Open Dog: Gent’s CH ENELEON TIGER’S EYE (Imp Uk) First place was a lovely dog, very eye catching and really commanded the ring. His head is very typical with a lovely expression, correct lay of shoulder, nicely balanced with good depth to chest. He also had excellent hindquarters and turn of stifle. Worthy of Dog CC today. He later went on to win BIS over the bitch, he has great ring presence. Noticed he sired many of the winners today.
Thomas passed away in October 2017 but he left a great legacy behind him, his semen has been used, sucessfully in the United Kingdom